Solicit and Accept Donations, As Easy As Sending A Text!!!
Make transactions easier, faster, and more secure.
Increase Donations and Engage Donors with our patented TXT2PAY® technology.
Authvia’s patented technology enables donations to be completed seamlessly in-message across all major messaging channels. No awkward redirects or unfamiliar landing pages.
Let’s talk, er, text:
With Authvia, Businesses:
Accelerate cash flow via payments in seconds
Contactless payments like TXT2PAY® are 10x faster than in-person options.
Eliminate PCI risk via airtight compliance
TXT2PAY® offers the highest level of PCI compliance to keep customer data secure.
Gain higher satisfaction scores via improved CX
More than 80% of consumers prefer TXT2PAY® for fast, simple, and secure transactions.
Set up simply via seamless integration
Authvia is integrated with 200+ payment processors and most messaging providers.
And Customers:
Opt-in easily via no new app download
Transactions happen in a single message thread—no logins or passwords needed.
Bypass checkout lines via a simple text message
TXT2PAY® is contact-free, so picking up purchases and prescriptions is grab-and-go.
Keep receipts and documentation via secure digital wallet
Consumers can access purchase history and send documents effortlessly,
Try our free TXT2PAY® demo now:
- The nonprofit sends request request via text/SMS
- The consumer simply approves the donation with a simple secure code
- Donation complete!